There are four major factors that will affect the operating
frequency of a Gunn oscillator:
How about higher-order
functions? As noted, the Frequency/Temperature/Tuning voltage relationships, when plotted out, describe a curve and not a straight line. Because of this, a better equation would be something like: F = a2T + xT + b2V + yV + c These would be able to better-accommodate the curve of the tuning voltage and temperature effects on the Gunn frequency - but there's a problem: This matrix turns out to require double-precision floating point or 64-bit integer math in order to solve with any useful degree of accuracy and doing either one would be a bit of a hassle (but not impossible!) on an embedded processor such as a PIC. After realizing the difficulty with the above equation I decided to try a straight-line approximation - and it seemed to work out just fine for my purposes! |
Earlier, I ignored thermal drift of the Gunn's voltage regulator from the equation. Since the Gunn's regulator is located in the same enclosure at the Gunn oscillator itself, much of the thermal effect of temperature on the Gunn voltage regulator are, in fact, taken into account!
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